Louisiana's Premier 

Coating Company 

Blue Louisiana


Protecting The Water We Drink


Blue Louisiana


Louisiana Local Crews


Blasting & Painting 

Southern Coatings provides superior blasting and painting services for water towers, ground storage tanks and pipe galleries. With over 50 years combined experience, our Team will ensure the highest quality application for your project.


In order to fully understand the current condition of your tank, a washout and inspection is the best choice. This will allow our team to ensure the components and structure are in good working condition. A full report will be provided upon completion that identifies any needed repairs and recommendations.


Our Team can provide carbon steel repairs including ladders, stairways, manways, covers and other items that are required.


Our Team can provide a Maintenance Plan that ensures your tank is being maintained properly. We take a proactive approach each year with regular washing and recoating treatments that extends the life of your asset while maintaining a clean appearance for your City.


Get in Touch

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